'Mr. Smith'--An Impedance Calculator on the Smith Chart;
free, simple and easy to learn
Smith chart tool for Windows
'Mr. Smith' is a calculator of impedance on the Smith Chart. It displays traces of impedance objects on the Smith Chart as you draw traces on a sheet of paper-form Smith Chart by a pencil. It eliminates paper-form Smith Chart in designing a reactance circuit.
The author of this software is Mr. HAMADA Tomokazu in Japan. He made it in 1996. He presented it in an electronics magazine in Japan, 'Transistor Gijyutsu' in 1996. Many RF engineers in Japan remember it.
Though this software is 13 years old, I still use it. I don't know a good alternative to replace it. Recently it was used in an application note of NEC Electronics published in April 2009. The application note describes design of 2.4GHz small signal amplifier. Not only I but also a semiconductor manufacturer uses it.
In Japan many RF engineers know it. But it is not popular to foreign countries. I am sure this tool is good for every RF engineers in the world. Though some dialogue letters go wrong because of Japanese font issues. But all menu items are written in English. A few dialogue and letters are Japanese specific. Because it is simple, you can know what they say. It is easy to learn.
I know Smith Tool of Ansoft Designer is similar to it. But it is busy to start it because it is one component of the big software.
I also know 'linSmith'. But it is intended for Linux platform. I have never used it.
I prepared a translation of the help file.
This software is a freeware. On the Internet the author permits the official site to distribute the install file. He prohibites to upload it to any other site. So I don't upload it in my site.
He doesn't say any other disclaimer in detail. So it should be appliled with a general freeware disclaimer. That is WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
Download and Install
You can download the software from the web site of JA3XGS (An amateur radio site in Japan). This site is the only official site to have the install file. You can download it here. http://www.page.sannet.ne.jp/ja3xgs/jtools.htm
The install file is archived with LHA format. So please prepare an extraction tool of an LZH file.
The archive file has 3 sub archived files. Extract all files to one directory.
DISK2.LZH----+----> one directory
Then you run Setup.exe in the directory.
Some dialogue may be Japanese. But you would understand them.
Operation Screen Shots